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Vascular Tablets

Saturday November 09, 2019 - 10:28:02
Super Admin
Vascular is a selective B-adrenergic receptor stimulant. Vascular produces direct relaxation of Vascular and uterine muscle. Vascular has a dilating action is greater on the arteries supplying skeletal muscles than on those supplying the skin.

Vascular Tablets

Each tablet Contains:
Isoxuprine……………………..20 mg.

Vascularis a selective B-adrenergic receptor stimulant.
Vascularproduces direct relaxation of Vascular and uterine muscle.

Vascularhas a dilating action is greater on the arteries supplying skeletal muscles than on those supplying the skin.
Vascularacts on the blood vessels preventing vasospasms and developing collateral circulation.
Its reduces blood viscosity, increases flexibility of red cells, decreases clumping and their tendency to aggregate.
Vascularincreases blood flow in peripheral and cerebral ischemia.
Vascularalso relaxes uterine muscles and used in selected cases to inhibit premature labor.


·Peripheral vascular disorders and peripheral circulatory insufficiency of various origins such as:
Arteriosclerosis, Diabetes, Burger's disease, Raynaud's disease, Acrocyanosis, Restless legs, Coldness and numbness of limbs.

·Circulatory diseases:
Cerebral vascular insufficiency with a spastic component showing symptoms such as dizziness, forgetfulness, visual, hearing and speech abnormalities, confusion, disorientation.

·Peripheral vascular insufficiency with a spastic component showing symptoms like: numbness, cramping, coldness, ischaemic and diabetic ulcers in the extremities.

·Uterine hyper motility:
Immature and premature labor.

Recent arterial hemorrhage.

Dosage and administration:
One tablet three times daily after meals.

preferably start administration 1-3 days prior to expected onset of menstruation.

·Circulatory disease
one tablet 3-4 time daily.

·Uterine hyper motility
one tablet every 6 hours for 48 hours.

Side effects:
Transient palpitations, hypotension and dizziness are seen in sensitive patients.
These symptoms can be controlled by dosage reduction.
Flushing, tachycardia, nausea and vomiting. Such side effects can be controlled by the dose reduction.

Produced by: sedico pharmaceutical company

Imported by: abuubakar sadiiq pharmaceutical company




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