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Magna-Biotic Vials 600mg

Saturday November 09, 2019 - 10:18:48
Super Admin
Magnabiotic is an anti-microbial combination of Amoxicillin & Clavulinic acid. Amoxycillin:Is a broad spectrum semi-synthetic penicillin against Gram +ve & Gram-ve micro-organisms. Clavulanic acid:Is a B-lactam structurally related to Penicillins that inactivate B-lactamase enzymes commonly found in micro-organisms resistant to penicillin .

Magna-Biotic Vials 1200/600mg


Each Vial Contains: 600 mg

Amoxycillin (as Sodium salt) 500 mg

Clavulanic acid (as Potassium salt) 100 mg

Each Vial Contains: 1200 mg

Amoxycillin (as Sodium salt) 1000 mg

Clavulanic acid (as Potassium salt) 1200 mg



Magnabiotic is an anti-microbial combination of Amoxicillin & Clavulinic acid.
Amoxycillin:Is a broad spectrum semi-synthetic penicillin against Gram +ve & Gram-ve micro-organisms.
Clavulanic acid:Is a B-lactam structurally related to Penicillins that inactivate B-lactamase enzymes commonly found in micro-organisms resistant to penicillin .
The combination of Amoxycillin / Clavulanic acid extends the antibiotic spectrum of Amoxycillin to include bacteria normally resistant to Amoxycillin & other B-lactam antibiotics. Magnabiotic is well absorbed from G.I.T after oral administration, stable in the presence of gastric acid & may be administered without regard to to meals. About 50-70 % of Magnabiotic is excreted unchanged in urine during the first 6 hours after oral administration . It diffuses readily into most body tissues & fluids & can be detected in middle ear effusion .


·Upper respiratory tract & E.N.T infections :
Sinusitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis , laryngitis,otitis media,etc...

·Lower respiratory tract infections :
Bronchitis,pneumonia,emphysema, lung abscess etc....

·Gastrointestinal infections :
Enteritis, billary tract infection.

·Genito-urinary tract infections :
Cystitis, urethritis, gonorrhea etc...

·Skin & soft tissue infections :
Cellulitis, erysipelas, boils, carbuncles ,etc...

·others :Septicemia, osteomyelitis, etc...

Method of reconstitution & administration:
Vial of Magnabiotic is not suitable for multi-dose use.
Magna-Biotic may be administrated either by intravenous injection or by intermittent I.V.


(Magna-Biotic is not intended for intra-muscular administration)
-600 mg vials: to reconstitute dissolve contents in 10 ml of water for injection B.P.(final volume 10.5 ml)
-1200 mg vial: to reconstitute dissolve contents in 20 ml of water for injection B.P.(final volume 20.9 ml)
-A transient pink color may appear during reconstitution. Reconstituted solutions are normally a pale straw color.

Intravenous injection:
The stability of Magna-Biotic intravenous solutions is concentration dependent,thus Magna-Biotic (I.V. injection or slowly I.V. infusion) should be used immediately upon reconstitution and given by slow I.V. injection over a period of 3-4 minutes.

Intravenous Infusion:
Magna-Biotic intravenous may be infused in water for injection BP. or (0.9 % w/v sodium chloride intravenous injection BP.)

Add 600 mg of the reconstituted solution to 50 ml of infusion fluid or 1200 mg reconstituted solution to 100 ml of infusion fluid (preferably using a mini-bag or line burette) infuse over 30-40 minutes and complete within 4 hours of reconstitution. Any residual antibiotic solution should be discarded.



·(I.V. injection or infusion) Adults and children over 12 years: 1200 mg every 8 hours.

·In serious infections:1200 mg every 6 hours.

-3 months - 12 years: 30 mg/kg every 8 hours.
-In more serious infections : 30 mg/kg every 6 hours.
-Children less than 3 months: 30 mg/kg every 12 hours (In premature infants and in full term infants during the prenatal period)increasing to 8 hourly intervals there after.



Produced by: sedico pharmaceutical company

Imported by: abuubakar sadiiq pharmaceutical company





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