+252 1 658684 Saturday - Thursday 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM info@abuubakarsadiiq.so

Abuubakarsadiiq Pharmaceutical Co launched its first official website

Thursday September 28, 2017 - 16:02:12
Super Admin
The Chairman, Board of Directors, Management and staff of Abuubakarsadiiq Pharmaceutical Co. wish to extend a warm welcome to all visitors to this new website.
The new site features a visually appealing design integrated into a user friendly interface making it easy for you to navigate the site.

The 21st century is characterized by technological advancement. It is therefore extremely difficult for any organization, whether public or private, to survive without a website, if it is to remain current, build brand equity and maintain a competitive advantage.

The privately owned specialty pharmaceutical company, established in 1998 in Mogadishu markets its human and veterinary medicines in a large number of markets throughout the town.

Abu-Bakr sadiq maintains an intensive research and development programmer targeting all diseases and improvement of treatment options. We Import and distribute of Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products, Allergic Disorders, Analgesics & Antipyretic, Anti-infective, Central Nervous System, Cough & Cold, Eye care, Endocrine & Diabetes, gastrointestinal, Musculature, Oncology, Other products, Respiratory, Sking Care, Vitamins.

We are looking for MFG & good Reliable suppliers

Abubakar sadiiq pharmaceutical co, ” ABS” caries a good line of generic and brand name pharmaceutical products including Tablets, Capsules, Creams, Ointments, Liquids and Inject able that are ready for immediate.

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